15-16 March, 2024
Kottayam, Kerala, India

Instructions to authors
  1. Log in to Microsoft CMT to view the reviewer comments, if any, and address all the concerns/comments of the reviewers in the final submission.
  2. If there are no comments then it seems that your paper is accepted by reviewers as it is without need for any revisions.
  3. The authors will have to submit a camera-ready version as per the guidelines given on the conference website on or before 20th Feb 2024.
  4. Please make sure about the plagiarism of your manuscript (below 30% similarity), using standard plagiarism checking software (e.g Turnitin), before submitting the camera-ready paper from your end to confirm the inclusion of the paper in IEEE Xplore.
  5. If Plagiarism will be more than 30%, then your paper will not be included in the conference.
  6. The authors are urged to ensure that the camera-ready submission strictly follows the IEEE Template given on the conference website Click Here.
  7. Authors of accepted papers should send the camera-ready paper in IEEE PDF Xpress compatible pdf format through Microsoft CMT.
  8. The number of pages in Final Camera-Ready Paper must be within Six Pages.
  9. The papers exceeding 6 pages (a maximum of 8 pages) should pay extra page charge of Rs.1000/per page- (Indian authors) or 20 USD (Foreign Authors)
  10. The camera-ready papers that do not meet these requirements will not be submitted for further consideration to IEEE Xplore.
  11. ICITIIT'24 accepts three types of Registrations: Full Author, Accompanying Author and Participant. Full Author registration is for the presenting author of the accepted paper in the conference and it is mandatory.
  12. Authors who are not presenting can register as Accompanying Author.
  13. All other attendees of the conference can register as Participant.
  14. Authors must submit their manuscripts through Microsoft CMT login using the CMT link: Click Here.
  15. The institute will not be providing accommodation during the conference dates. However, details of nearby hotels are available in the Useful Links section. It is recommended to book early to ensure availability.
  16. Participants of the conference will be provided with working lunch during the conference dates.